Your Safety in 2022

Kenosha Smiles & Your Safety in 2022

Wow! .. We are now in year two of our “ new normal “ coping with the effects of COVID19 here at your dental home, and we wanted to give you an update and picture of how we are managing the safety of you, our patients and staff as we work here at Kenosha Smiles.

For those of you who have had dental appointments in the past almost two years, you have seen many changes in our practice. For those with questions or concerns, I wanted to share with you the measures we take and opportunities for your continued safe care in 2022.

What we do

All of our staff daily document for any COVID-19 symptoms. Our exam rooms and high touch areas are thoroughly sanitized after each patient. We continue to wear all the proper personal protective measures including added masks, gloves, and protective garments. Our exam rooms and high touch areas will be thoroughly sanitized after each patient visit.

What we ask of you

To minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus we will continue to request that you wear a face covering while in the public spaces within the practice .. with the exception, of course, of when we are working in your mouth :). This will be needed even for those who have received the COVID-19 vaccine. Though the vaccine has been shown to be effective in decreasing the symptoms and severity of the virus, the jury is still out in regard to the spread, therefor, we ask that all patients continue to please wear masks. As you arrive we will continue to ask COVID-19 screening questions, and take your temperature with a non-contact thermometer.

What’s ahead in 2022

We all hope that with the decrease in the presence of the COVID-19 virus that we are able to return to greeting you with unmasked smiles in the near future. This will seem to happen as more of us receive the vaccine and increase our community’s resistance to this virus.

Dental Care in the Hospitaldental care in the hospital, hospital dentistry, kenosha smiles
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